1. Bishop Joseph of S. Maria de Sebastiani OCD, consecrated on December 15, 1659 Bishop of Hierapolis in Isauria took charge as first Vic. Ap. of Malabar in May 1661; but was obliged to leave India on the Dutch conquest of Cochin in 1663.

2. Bishop Alexander de Campo consecrated on January 31, 1663 at
Kaduthuruthi by Msgr. Joseph Sebastiani, with the title of Bishop Megara in Achala. He was a native priest of Kuravilangad, his real name being Parambil Chandy; died about 1678.

3. Bishop Raphael de Figueredo Salgrado, elected Bishop of Adrumetum in Africa and Co-adjutor to the Bishop A. de Campo, was
consecrated in 1677, and died on October 12, 1695 and was buried in Thekkan Pallipuram.

4. Bishop Custodius de Pinho nominated Vicar Apostolic, but died before he could assume office.

5. Bishop Angelo Francis of St. Teresa, O.C.D. nominated Vicar Ap. of
Malabar, was consecrated on May 22, 1701 confirmed Administrator of the Diocese of Cranganore and Cochin on March 13, 1709 and died on
October 17, 1712 at Verapoly.

6. Bishop John Baptist Multedi of St. Teresa, O.C.D., was consecrated Vicar Ap. of Verapoly on April 14, 1714 at Curwar, arrived in 1718; died on April 16, 1750 at Verapoly.

7. BishopFlorence of Jesus of Nazareth, O.C.D., was consecrated on April 20, 1747, succeeded in 1750 and died on July 2, 1773 at Verapoly.

8. Bishop Francis de Sales a Mater Dolorosa, O.C.D. was consecrated Vic. Ap. of Verapoly at Paris, arrived at Verapoly on October 13, 1775, left in 1780 and died in 1787.

9. Fr. John Mary of St. Thomas O.C.D., who was nominated Vicar Ap. of Verapoly in 1780, died at Madras before his consecration.

10. Bishop Aloysius Mary of Jesus, O.C.D., who was nominated in March 1784, consecrated Vicar Ap. of Verapoly on September 25, 1785 at Pondicherry, arrived at Verapoly on February 10, 1786, and died at
Verapoly in 1802.

11. Bishop Raymond of Joseph O.C.D. who was nominated Vicar Ap. Of Verapoly in 1803, and consecrated at Bombay in 1808, died on July 7, 1816 at Verapoly.

12. Bishop Miles Pendargast, O.C.D. who was consecrated in Rome as Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly in 1819, resigned in 1828.

13. Bishop Maurelius Stabiline, who was Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly in 828 resigned in 1831.

14. Bishop Francis Xavier Pescetto of St. Anne, O.C.D., who was consecrated on 4th of December 1831 at Bombay, died on December 7, 1844 at Verapoly.

15. Archbishop Loudovico Martini of St. Teresa, O.C.D., who was consecrated Co-adjutor in 1839 at Verapoly, succeeded in 1844, resigned in 1859.

16. The Most Rev. Bernardine Baccenelli of St. Teresa, O.C.D., Archbishop of Pharsalia in Thessaly and Vic. Ap. of Verapoly, was consecrated in 1847 as Co-adjutor, and succeeded as Administrator Apostolic in 1853 and Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly in 1859, died at Verapoly on September 5, 1868.

17. Most Rev. Dr. Leonard Mellano of St. Louis, O.C.D., Archbishop of Nicomedia and Vic. Ap. of Verapoly was consecrated on November 15, 1868 at Verapoly. He became Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of
Verapoly, on September 1, 1886, and died on August 19, 1897 at Verapoly.

18. Most Rev. Marcelinus Santa Thresia OCD, Co-adjutor Bishop of
Verapoly from 1877 to 1892. He was the Rector of Puthenpally Seminary from 1866 to 1877. He was entrusted with the care of Syro-Chaldaic Rite till 1877.

19. Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Arguinzonis of Jesus O.C.D., nominated Titular Archbishop of Philippi and Co-adjutor “cum jure successionis” to the Archbishop of Verapoly on January 14, 1896 was consecrated on August 9th of the same year, and succeeded on August 19, 1897. In consequence of the failing health he resigned his post in 1919, and was appointed Titular Archbishop of Larissa, and returned to the Monastery of Mount Carmel (Palestine). He died in “Las Palms”, Spain in 1933.

20. Most Rev. Dr. Angel Mary Perez Cecelia, O.C.D., nominated
Archbishop of Ochrida and Co adjutor with the right of succession to
the Archbishop of Verapoly on June 18, 1915 was consecrated at Ernakulam on October 20, 1915 by the Bishop of Quilon. He succeeded to the See of Verapoly on February 6, 1919 and was enthroned on April
28, 1919. He resigned for reasons of health on November 15, 1934 and returned to Spain and died in Burgos, Spain on June 14, 1944.

21. Servant of God Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Attipetty, nominated Titular Archbishop of Gabulla and Co-adjutor to Archbishop Angel Mary on November 29, 1932, was consecrated in Rome by H.H. Pope Pius XI on June 11, 1933. Dr. Joseph Attipetty assumed the reigns of administration on December 21, 1934 after the resignation of Dr. Angel Mary. He is the first indigenous Archbishop of Verapoly Archdiocese. His Pallium Investiture took place on July 25, 1935. He expired on January 21, 1970.
The number of churches, monasteries, convents, seminaries, schools,
colleges, technical institutions, printing presses, hospitals, homes for retired priests, home for the aged, social centres and various associations and institutes dedicated to intellectual and vocational
apostolates that have come into being in this archdiocese during Archbishop Joseph Attipetty’s tenure of office is truly impressive. Archbishop Joseph Attippetty was declared Servant of God on
21st January 2020. On the demise of the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Attipetty, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Cornelius Elanjikal Ph.D., D.C.L., was elected Vicar Capitular on January 24, 1970. As he was nominated Bishop of Vijayapuram on February 15, 1971, Fr. Francis Payyapilly was elected Vicar Capitular.

22. Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Kelanthara, the then Rector of Mangalapuzha Seminary, was nominated Archbishop of Verapoly on January 16, 1971, was ordained Bishop by the Most Rev. Dr. Simon Lourdsamy, then Joint Secretary to the Congregation of the Propagation of Faith on April 4, 1971, became Ordinary on April 8, 1971. Pallium Investiture took place on October 29, 1973. He died on October 19, 1986. He not only followed the progressive policies of his illustrious predecessor but also opened new avenues of apostolate in keeping with the changing times. His Holiness Pope John Paul II during the Pastoral Visit to India, presided over a Eucharistic Celebration at H.M.T. Grounds, Kalamassery whereafter he paid a visit to St. Francis Assisi Cathedral Ernakulam and stayed at Verapoly Archbishops’ House on 8th and 9th of February 1986.

23. Rt. Rev. Dr. Antony Thannikot, the then Rector of Mangalapuzha Seminary, was nominated Titular Bishop of Tigillava and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Verapoly on December 19, 1978. He was ordained Bishop by His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Kelanthara, Archbishop of Verapoly on March 11, 1978. He expired on February 24, 1984.
On the demise of the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Kelanthara, Protonotary
Apostolic Rt. Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Lopez was elected Archdiocesan
Administrator on October 19, 1986.

24. Most Rev. Dr. Cornelius Elanjikal, the Bishop of Vijayapuram was nominated Archbishop of Verapoly on February 11, 1987. He became Ordinary on March 19, 1987 and received Pallium on June 29, 1987 in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome. He retired from the Office on August 5, 1996. He expired on 7th August 2011. His term of office as archbishop is marked by a steady development in all spheres of life and activities of the Archdiocese.

25. Most Rev. Dr. Daniel Acharuparambil O.C.D., the previous Rector Magnificus and Professor of Urbaniana, Rome, was nominated Archbishop of Verapoly on August 5, 1996 and was consecrated on November 3, 1996 by His Eminence Jozef Cardinal Tomko, the Prefect,
Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Rome. The same day
he received the pallium. He died on October 26, 2009.
Archbishop Acharuparambil had played a significant role in the all-round progress of the Archdiocese. His accent on community service led to the foundation of KRLCC, KRLCBC. Navadarsan and AISAT are initiatives of His Grace Daniel Acharuparambil to promote the education in the Archdiocese.

26. Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery, was nominated Titular Bishop of
Buxentum and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Verapoly on November
25, 2006. He was ordained Bishop by His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Daniel Acharuparambil on December 28, 2006 at the National Shrine Basilica of Vallarpadom, Ernakulam. On the demise of the Most Rev. Dr. Daniel Acharuparambil, Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery was elected as Archdiocesan Administrator on October 26, 2009. He was nominated as the Bishop of Kottapuram on December 18, 2010. He retired from the Office on May 1, 2023.

27. Most Rev. Dr. Francis Kallarakal, the Bishop of Kottapuram was nominated Archbishop of Verapoly on February 20, 2010 and was installed Metropolitan Archbishop of Verapoly with canonical solemnities and rituals officiated by His Eminence Telesphore Placidus Cardinal Toppo, Archbishop of Ranchi on Sunday April 11, 2010. He received Pallium on June 29, Tuesday 2010 at St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome. He retired from the Office on October 31, 2016
It is Archbishop Francis Kallarakal who made the historical declaration
erecting St. Philomina’s Church Koonammavu as St. Chavara Kuriakose Pilgrim Centre in the context of the canonization of the Blessed Chavara Kuriakose who was the Vicar General of this Archdiocese and who spent the last seven years (1864-1871) of his life at Koonammavu
being the Prior of six Monasteries of Verapoly Vicariat. The Archbishop
was one of the principal concelebrants for the canonization ceremony
held on 23rd November 2014 at Vatican, Rome.
The Archdiocesan Synod, celebrated from 8th to 12th April 2015, after 118 years, was a historical milestone in his tenure.

28. Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Kalathiparambil was nominated Bishop of Calicut on April 19, 2002, and was consecrated on May 19, 2002. He served as the Bishop of Calicut for almost 9 years and was then appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants on February 22, 2011. On March 5, he was also appointed as a Member of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
Dr. Joseph Kalathiparambil was appointed as the Archbishop of Verapoly by His Holiness Pope Francis on October 31, 2016. His formal
installation as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Verapoly took place on December 18, 2016.
He was appointed by the Holy Father Pope Francis as a Member of the Dicastery for Evangelization for 5 years on October 13, 2020. This is the second time Archbishop is becoming the Member of the Congregation.